Spring’s UriComponentsBuilder encoding is annoyingly inconsistent. In particular how it sometimes encodes “+”.
You see “+” is a valid encoding, so if I ask for a url to be encoded, it can be unclear if “+” should or not.
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My First Gaming PC Build
A rite of passage
Hardware along with the “ops” side of software development has always been a weakness.
Building a computer is almost a rite of passage for a software developer.
Embarrassingly I’ve never built a PC from scratch before, but that is about to change. This is my story.
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Truncating every table in a schema with HSQLDB
Great for unit tests
HSQLDB is a great in memory database for Java. It comes in really handy when writing integration tests.
Here is how you truncate all of the tables in a schema. Great for keeping data from leaking between unit tests.
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London Tourism Tips
Travel like you've been there already
London is an amazing city, but like any big city it can be difficult for newcomers. Here are a few tips I picked up on my trip to London, England.
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Running Jekyll with Docker Compose
It is one thing to mortify curiosity, another to conquer it
Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator. Unfortunately it is less than simple to run locally. You need to install the correct versions of ruby, ruby gems, GCC, make, and the jekyll gem. Alternatively you can run your site locally using the Jekyll Docker image. In this post I...
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